Wednesday, January 30, 2013

London Fashion? Or lack there of?

Disclaimer: this will be the single most creepy and illegal post I ever write (or at least we can only hope)

The question that I have been asked most frequently during my one week in London has been "what do people wear". I think the general American consensus is that the Londoners are all high fashion and ultra chic.

This makes me laugh. The misconception that us Americans forget is the weather (and maybe public transit). I would love to see anyone look chic after walking through cold windy rain blown in their faces. Pictures sweating with a heavy coat in a tube car pressed up against their neighbor. Picture walking up what feels like the worlds longest escalator (or so it feels) because really, who wants to waste 20 minutes of their life in the "slow riders section" on the right?!

Let me break down London fashion:
(1) Coats - who would have thought it matters more the actual warmth than the "cuteness". Oh, and if it doesn't have a hood it's crap
(2) If your shoes aren't comfy? They aren't worth the cost. Besides, you'll spend a fortune in band aids. You will see men in suits and sneakers
(3) Leggings are "in"
(4) So are comfy boots. Or anything warm for that matter.
(5) a $5 scarf will be worn more frequently than a $500 necklace - I wouldn't know from experience.

I will give credit where credit is due. The Brits and the Europeans do dress way nicer to work. All the guys wear a suit and most wear a tie. I am in a desperate state of needing to upgrade my wardrobe fast.... But, as I was told today, it doesn't matter what you wear... It's all about confidence. (But to that ill add "and warmth").

So where is the creepy part? Okay, so for you non believers I took some super creepy pics of common Brits in the tube (aka subway). I do love the girl's maroon coat though!


  1. Love this! You forget though the common British/European misconception that tights qualify as leggings, and therefore acceptable to wear as a substitute for "trousers".

    Hope you see you soon!


  2. You are very sneaky to not get caught!

    Daniel A.
