Friday, April 19, 2013

Eggs with a Side of Ketchup

I happen to like my eggs with ketchup. (Also with salsa but the point is irrelevant for my story) Literally, scrambled eggs with ketchup is probably one of my favorite breakfast meals. I was craving it in London since I don't have a kitchen (and thus can't make it - you always want what you can't have, right?) and because scrambled eggs is not a big thing here. (Ill have to post a picture of a true English breakfast)

I gave in to my craving and purchased the "just add water" eggs that they serve at EY. Much to the disgust of my coworkers, I added ketchup. (Serious disgust... You would think I added chocolate syrup to my eggs)

This sparked a debate. While SOME Brits have ketchup with their eggs, hardly no European would consider it. They only even know the concept exists because of American movies. (But didn't think people actually did that!)

I am not a fan of falling into American stereotypes. And Americans eating ketchup is one I didn't know existed (and one I plan to continue to fall into). Americans are thought to not appreciate fine foods and "ruin" them with condiments.

All I have to say is that it is a good thing they didn't meet my roommate, Marybeth, in college. THAT is ketchup eating. But I guess we all know that avid ketchup eater huh?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

German Safety Videos

The German's take their safety very seriously. They like rules and order - And if you don't follow the rules and order? Bad things happen.

(Warning: This is not for someone with a weak stomach... like me)

And yes, I watched this on my lunch break.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Margaret Thatcher lives on.... In Dallas!

I am not sure if people in the states know that Margaret Thatcher passed away.... but it has kind of been a big deal here. (and "kind of" is an understatement"). Her death has been the most controversial topic I have seen yet in London.

People either love her or hate her:

My personal take is completely selfish (seeing as I am not a northern UK resident anyways): A quote from UK Daily Mail states "Without her – and the ‘Big Bang’ transformation of the City during the Eighties – would London be the international metropolis it is today? Most unlikely, said the random selection of City workers I talked to outside." To me this means "If it wasn't for Margaret Thatcher, I might not get to be in London today. Thus making me a Thatcher-fan.

This is (thankfully) not a political blog.... so, lets get to the good stuff.

Margaret Thatcher's ONLY grandson, Michael Thatcher, is a Aggie who now lives in Dallas.

Small freaking world. What are the odds?!? He grew up literally 10 minutes from my (old) apartment. The world is really smaller than we think and I am smacked in the face with this reality nearly every day here.

Gig 'em Thatchers!

If you want to know more:

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Greenwich Villiage - London Edition

Typical conversations after my day trip to Greenwich Village:

Friend: What did you do this weekend?
Me: Went to Greenwich Villiage - It was so awesome....
Friend: Wait, you were in New York?

Dear Fellow Americans, while New York is where I always think of Greenwich, the original is UK property. (Think Greenwich Mean Time). Actually this little place is actually what the rest of the world centers time around. "Ahead or behind GMT by X hours". (I will NOT go back into the time zone discussion!) Greenwich is just as cute as the village that we all know and love in New York.

Cute area, old timey buildings, and an AMAZING view of the city. Welcome to the original.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Old Imerial English Taking Over

Just as you know you're in a relationship when it's "Facebook official" - you know you're becoming a Londoner when Facebook caters it's ads to you in metric or British or something (who even knows what a stone is anyways?!?) in my head, dropping a stone could be the size of a pebble or the size of a gigantic boulder. Losing a "stone" is more of a definite term to the Brits.

Although to be honest - losing a pebble or a boulder is great in London after eating German chocolates weekly from German (rough life, I know) and frequenting the Londoner's tradition of "grabbing a pint".

Avocados? Here I come! Ill let you n ow what a stone is at some point. Thanks Facebook

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lonely Americans on a UK Bank Holiday

Last weekend was "Early May Bank Holiday". I had to look that up since everyone just called it a "bank holiday". The beautiful thing is that these bank holidays in the UK are four day weekends where everyone goes on vacation.... everyone that is, besides the Americans. Sure, I could have taken the day instead of Memorial day but the Brits and Eurpoeans get more bank holidays than we do in the states so I would eventually end up short somewhere anyways. (Besides, it is like that week between Christmas and New Year's where your only main responsibility is "hold down the fort" and "deal with issues")

Thankfully I happen to have an American manager - so the two of us "redecorated" the large conference room - much to the delight of the Europeans. Yes, that is dry erase marker. And yes, it might not have been the MOST productive way to spend the quiet time in the office. But... I was merely the accomplice (and made sure everyone knew so - to avoid retaliation)  And, we must have been more productive the rest of the day since no one was in the office.... right?

Let's just say, I cant wait for the next bank holiday.

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Fitness Test

Most Londoners ride the tube on a daily basis. (Unless they are stupid rich or live close enough to walk to work). There are one or sometimes two gigantic escalators to get out of underground where the tube runs. Due to London's strict rule following ability, the right side of the escalator stands while the second runs - or so it feels in work clothes. (You can tell a tourist because he/she stands on the ... Gasp... left side)

Every morning it is a huge decision if you are going to be a walker/runner because after the first step you need to continue to the top at approximately the same speed as the person ahead of you.

I consider this my daily fitness test. I run up the escalator and wait to see at what step my legs start burning. (Usually half way up the second case). I thought this was a personal thing until we discussed it one day at work and learned that I have plenty of company in this personal fitness test game.

Who needs crossfit when we have the escalators?