Saturday, May 4, 2013

What they forgot to teach me in grade school

I think I need to begin by adequately setting the scene.

I am going to Morocco (well, currently I am in morocco but that is just a spoiler alert and irrelevant to the story... But probably another blog post). I am meeting my coworker Nathan in the airport in Madrid and we are going to take the same flight to Tangier. Nathan had called me late the night before to let me know he might not be able to make it to Madrid and ultimately Morocco until 12 hours after me. Note - I don't even know the name of the first hotel we are staying in or if a girl can take a taxi by herself.

Flash forward to the airport in Madrid. I have no way to contact Nathan to see if he made it to Madrid or to get on my email for the hotel instructions unless I get Internet. I am in an airport where English is non existent, trying to find my gate, and desperately trying to get on the Internet to get my instructions.

The Internet? You have to pay. And yes, instructions are all in Spanish. I know things like "nombre" but I literally can figure out half of the other words to PAY for Internet. Turns out you have to set up a username and password. PASSWORD?!? That is one word that I did not know in Spanish. Enough trial and error and I figured it out.... But it is that type of useful vocabulary that they just didn't teach me in my 4th grade Spanish class.

I could bore you with a screenshot of my Internet log on page which is fully in Spanish... Or I can show you a picture of the beautiful scenery that I have been taking in for the last few hours. (I think you'd prefer the latter)

Oh, and I found Nathan - in case you were wondering.

(More blog posts to come from Morocco)

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