Friday, February 1, 2013

Floor Zero

Lets talk about floor zero. Every building designer thus far in London counts wrong. Maybe that's ignorant of me. Let me back up....

The buildings in London are "ground floor" or "0" and then "1,2,3..." It's not just the hotel and EY office building but even the shopping stores say "Women on 0, men on 1, children on -1". This makes sense. The problem is when the ignorant American (in this case me) gets on a down elevator and pushes "1" to exit, thus making the unfortunate Brit on the elevator wait on floor 1 as I apologize AGAIN. (Yes, I can only hope that someday I will learn)

So why could this be wrong? Well, here is what I can't wrap my head around. How do you count floors and stories? A 10 story building will have 9 floors. (Since there is a ground level). So if I say meet me on the first floor - is that floor 0 or floor 1? And if I say the office is on the first story is that 0? You can walk up 6 flights of stairs and be on the 5th level. Actually , don't think about it. No point in twisting your head around too!

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