Tuesday, February 19, 2013

They are NOT cookies!

Ali and I went to a macaroon making class tonight. We found it in London groupon and decided "why not!?" Turns out you should actually investigate groupon classes. The lady just might have been the cookie-monster. No, not cookies, "macaroon". Because (as I very quickly learned from her military-like tone) cookies are EASY and macaroons are not. It is insulting to call one a cookie. (See the picture below, the mistake is easy to make)

Over three hours later, Ali and I learned that the macaroon perfection depends on your mood, health, male and female energy forces, your relationship with your appliances, if you have a plastic bowl or metal bowl, if the weather is just right, the consistency of the "tip" on your macaroon, the cocoa levels of your chocolate, the equilibrium of your oven and on and on (ill spare you).

She critiqued our macaroons infront of the class going one by one. Two girls cried. I'm not kidding. I did almost get kicked out for reaching over and eating one of my "cookies" while she was explaining the varying temperatures of different oven brands that ive never heard of - Ali was worried. And almost potentially for tasting the batter. The evil looks from miss Michelin-star-trained chef were enough punishment.

All in all? Great night with Ali. I also now know what it would feel like to be in a strict catholic school. No more clapping erasers for this girl!


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